

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore



about Global Widows Association

what have we done with your help

GWA's purpose is to mobilize funds and resources to facilitate programs and activities that benefit widows and battered women. This includes helping them to understand their rights in society. We also aim to facilitate and promote emergency relief services such as provision of food, shelter, medical support, clothing and psychosocial support for beneficiaries.

The Founder

Our history

My name is Toko Muodzi. In January 2017 my husband Kizito succumbed to duodenal/pancreatic cancer. It was a hard blow for me as Kizito and I were very close. I realised that I lost friends at home, church and community. I could not relate to most people and most people did not know what to say when around me. Fortunately my husband did not leave me struggling but the emotional isolation was too much. I started looking for people who were widows like me. Throughout my years I had not given much thought to widows. Yes, I felt sorry for them but did not realize the emotional, physical and spiritual suffering they went through. As I befriended these widows, I realized that most had other problems besides the emotional suffering. Some had had their properties taken away from them, some were emotionally and physically abused by relatives and society at large. My heart got moved and I started in March 2017 meeting with the widows to just encourage each other and meet needs were I could. I have since moved from Zimbabwe due to circumstances beyond my control but the group in Harare has since grown immensely. I also befriended some widows in Tombel Cameroon and recently some widows in Douala Cameroon. The need of the hour for all these widows is food and we have been making every effort to send food to these countries every month. With $8 we are able to feed a widow and 2 children for a week. My joy is complete when we are able to bring a smile to a face even if it’s just for a day! We aim to help these women start projects in order to help empower themselves.

Here is some of the work we do

Some of the Work

Keith Ross

The Organisation

Our Volunteers